Sunday, October 31, 2010

“I wonder” by Jeannie Kirby

I wonder why the grass is green
And why to each other we’re often mean?
Who taught us how to curse and hate?
And lead us to betray our faith?

Why can’t we learn to live and love?
And give all praises to him above
Why must we strive to put others down?
Why not wear a smile instead of a frown.

Must we forever devise new ways?
To hurt each other instead of praise?
For aren’t we all the same in his sight
Don’t we all rise in the morn and sleep at night?

For who amongst us has not shed a tear
Or hurt by another who never seemed to care.
And which of us has not done the same
To hurt another or caused some shame.

When shall we learn to let go of the past
And live each day like it’s our very last?
Which will you be, an foe or a friend?
Would you still hate today, if this was your end?

Don’t we yet know that it clouds our fate
When we ignore love and foster hate.
When hate fills your heart, it makes you blue,
For the person most hurt will always be you.

Lets rise each morning, smile and say
“Thank you God, for yet another day”
“Thanks for your love and tender care
And give me more love in my heart to share.

Literal meaning
(credit to )

A child is wondering about the natural happenings, asking why the grass is green (instead of the other colours) and why the wind is invisible. He or she continues to ponder the person who teaches the birds to build nest and the trees stop growing. He or she also wonders when the moon is in crescent shape, where the other part of the moon is.

He or she proceeds to question about the person who makes the stars shining and how the lightning flash about. He or she keeps on asking who colours the rainbow and puts the clouds high in sky. He or she cannot get the answers, thus, directs the questions to the other. Lastly, the child wonders why father doesn’t tell him or her if he knows the answers.

-a naive child

Point of view

-First person (‘I’ Wonder)

-Day to night, outdoor

-The Power of Creator

-6 stanzas (6 couplets)

Rhyme Scheme
-regular (aa bb cc dd ee)


-questioning, curiosity




-simple, Wh-words/questions


-nature (grass, wind, bird, moon, stars, lightning, rainbow, clouds)

Poetic Devices

-Personification ("trees...take a rest")
-Alliteration ("grass is green", "birds to build")

Moral Values

-We should be observant and sensitive to out surroundings
-We should always cultivate a sense of wonder in our heart
-We should appreciate and take care of the nature created by our Creator

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